Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting Ready for Christmas

Haven't blogged in awhile, so thought I would update everyone on Madison and myself. We are both anxiously awaiting the holidays and spending time with our family. We will be going to Grandy and Pop's Friday for the long weekend, and then back to Memphis on Christmas Eve to spend the night at Mimi's.

Madison is really loving the Christmas lights. She will vocally let you know this too!! Her prolonged "Lighttttttttttt's!!" just makes me smile everytime. She loves Christmas trees, Christmas toys, and just anything that looks out of the norm. She definately got this from Scarlet, as she was a Christmas fanatic!

She now will start grabbing your hand, and guiding you whereever she wants to go. She doesn't really like it when you don't go, and will let you know with a temper tantrum.

She has started trying to laydown in bathtub, and kick (like she's swimming) which will be helpful in the summertime when she learns how.

She is just now getting over a mild-case of bronchitas, and an ear infection, and hopefully she will be all better by Christmas time.

I'm ready for the holidays as well. I always love Christmas time, and seeing the joy and happiness on the kids faces as they open their gifts! One of my favorite times of the year. I am looking forward to the Liberty Bowl, and hoping for a MSU victory. Been awhile since we've been bowling, and would be a good way to get ready for 2008!

Hope everyone is well, and I will be posting MGA Christmas pics next week. Thanks to everyone who sent me a Christmas card, here's to wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season!

Jody and Gracie

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