Monday, February 18, 2008

Bronchitas, Breathing Treatments, and Weddings

Well this past week has been an exciting one at the Akins Household. Madison came down with bronchitas on Wednesday, and we have been in and out of Dr. office's all week!! They have put her on a breathing treatment machine folks (every 6 hours), and let me just tell you, that is absolutely NO fun to give to a 20 mth old. Can you imagine the first few times we tried to do this to her, she fought us like we were injecting her with needles! It was definately a 2 person job. She has now gotten use to the machine, and as long as I give myself some of the treatment and swap it up with her, she is good to go. But an adventure it was at the beginning!!

We went back to the doctor today at lunch, and they are going to continue the treatments until the end of the week, and hopefully by then she will be completely better and back to her normal chipper self.

On a happier note, Saturday came and we were hoping she would be feeling better and walk down the aisle with Ellen for Carrie's wedding. It didn't quite go as planned. She did good getting ready, and was all prettied up, but come game time, she was having no part of it. She did not want to be away from Mimi, and they made the judgement call to cancel that part, and I think that was probably the smartest decision. She did relativly well during the wedding (no major outbursts), but I was getting nervous towards the end, as she was getting restless.

The wedding and reception was great and Carrie was a beautiful bride. I wish them both the best and hope they have a lifetime of happiness together. I am especially thankful to Carrie and Chris for remembering Scarlet on her wedding day. Carrie had a pink candle at the front of the church to remember Scarlet and also included Madison on her special day.

That's about all I got from this weekend. Enjoy the pics, and here's rooting for MSU to take down the Reb's on Wednesday night, and Also for the Vols to put an end to Memphis's pipedream.


Congrats to Carrie & Chris Dawkins!!
Madison and Mimi getting ready for wedding

Princess Gracie!!

Ellen coaching MGA pre-wedding

Madison loved her pretty flowers

The family with a pic by Scarlet's "rememberance candle"

Jody and Bride 08'

Carrie and her Bridesmaids

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ear Infections, Cow Sounds, & Smiles

Well January has came and gone, and it was an interesting one. Madison battled multiple ear infections for most of the month, so we were in and out of the doctor office alot. I would think it was getting better, only to find out it had moved to the other ear! Then of course the antibiotic tore her butt up, and she could hardly sit in her high chair or take a bath without hurting. The joys of having a toddler!!

She's all smiles now and back to her normal cheerful self. That girl just amazes me day in and day out. She is really starting to talk alot more now. She is learning new words, and epecially one that is gonna get her in trouble here pretty soon.....NO! It is helpful sometimes, like when you ask her if she wants something else to eat or something to drink. However, I feel the time is approaching when she starts saying NO, to things she is not suppose to. The Terrible 2's are coming before I know it.

I'm convinced that she is gonna be a professional cook when she grows up. She has 3 kitchen playsets among our house and all the grandparents. She knows how to use the oven, microwave, and wash the dishes (she even makes the water sound!!).

She knows how the cow goes, and also what the duck does! It is pretty hilarious. She goes Mooooooooooo!! Gets me everytime :)

That's about it, just wanted to post this morning and let everyone know that all is well in the Akins House. Until next time.....

Jody & Madison

Cooking at Steve and Vic's

She loves her hoodie...

All Smiles :)